Thank you for shopping at RAM SVEIS OG BEMANNING AS. If you are not entirely satisfied with your purchase, we’re here to help.
You have the right to return the product(s) within 14 calendar days from the receipt of your order without having to provide any reason. To initiate a return, you must notify us in writing of your intention to return the product(s) by emailing us at
To be eligible for a return, please follow these instructions:
RAM SVEIS OG BEMANNING AS : Linnegrøvan 27, 4640 Søgne, Norway
Upon receipt of the returned product(s), RAM SVEIS OG BEMANNING AS will inspect the items and process your refund within 14 calendar days. The refund will include the cost of the product(s) and will be processed using the original method of payment or another method specified by you during the return process. We do not pay/refund CASH !
If you receive a defective or damaged product, you may request a replacement or a refund immediately. Please inform us in writing at or within 48 hours of receiving your order. This policy applies to both individual consumers and businesses.
Please note, customers are responsible for the return shipping cost and the verification fee for the package.
If you have any questions about our Return and Refund Policy, please contact us at:
This Return and Refund Policy was adapted to meet the needs of our customers and to comply with Norwegian law. We are committed to ensuring your satisfaction with our products and services.