WS Alu Gasdrag
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WS Gasdrag
When welding special materials, such as stainless steel or titanium outside of a welding chamber, it may be necessary to purge the weld area using a Walter Schnorrer Gasdrag to prevent the weld from oxidizing.
There are two available versions; WS Gas drag SS made from stainless steel and WS Gas drag Alu made from aluminium. Common to both WS Gas drags is the effective gas diffusers that prevents swirls and turbolence in the welding area. Each WS Gas drag SS is equipped with a sintered metal gas diffuser and takes more than one dimension, while the WS Gas drag Alu has easily replacable packing and is economical in use. Both are available for all pipe dimensions as well as sheet materials.
Walter Schnorrer ApS can also produce tailor-made gas drags for special applications, such as water-cooled gas drags for plasma welding.
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